Discussions and debates often turn heated and near-offensive, even among friends or loving family members... topics such as politics have been known to turn an innocent sharing of views into sparking grrrs.
You know what I mean, we have all been there... not to be dismayed, we turn to those we love when the dust settles and remember our affectionate hearts.
Because Nice Matters...
Impatience...it is often the culprit for not-so-nice behavior or words. Interestingly, we look back and see how just calming ourselves down with a slow breath would have made all the difference.
Did we reallly get to that destination quicker by screaming past the semi-slow driver, or did we get to the check-out sooner by jumping around from line to line, and maybe if we had just taken a moment and listened while looking into those loving eyes we would have heard the complete message instead of jumping to conclusions and then making an incorrect judgement... hummm, patiently listening with full attention makes all the difference. Impatience is nearly self-defeating in any situation.
Listening With Heart...
One more thought as I round out this memo of internal perspective... how do we find a believing sense of forgiveness? Why is it sometimes difficult to forgive or ask for forgiveness? Is it human nature to protect our soft vulnerable insides? Perhaps.
And yet, the very act of forgiving is liberating and grand. Our hearts are opened and loving. We feel a grand sense of being and belonging to this life and purpose when we forgive. We may not be able to describe the feeling, but our hearts are full with love.
Asking for forgiveness takes courage not always discovered within, and yet it is paramount to our progress as humans. We want and need to be important. We hope others see us as good and likeable. However, we must also realize that we make mistakes and that, my friends, is the hard part... mistakes happen and require fixin... some times the broken take time to mend... asking for forgiveness is the road for mending, both offended and offender.
Believe In Forgiveness
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